
Meet Refath, our esteemed Senior Copy, Content, and Idea Generator, who is bringing a wealth of passion and commendable writing skills to Alpha Commerz Ltd. From an early age, his love for writing and reading has transcended into a remarkable ability to transform creative thinking and ideas into captivating written content that effectively communicates with diverse audiences.

Having spent five years in Norway, immersed in global communities, Refath gained invaluable exposure that enriched his experiences, seamlessly blending his work from the local to the international arena. His unique background in Computer Science and Technology, particularly as a Game Developer, provides him with a keen understanding of the technical aspects of visual representation, idea development, research documentation, and strategic planning for creative writing.

Let’s turn ideas into impactful stories.

Beyond his writing prowess, Refath’s experience in organizing events, both nationally and internationally, has honed his exceptional communication and interpersonal skills. This background allows him to thrive both independently and as a collaborative team member in our work environment.

Education & Training

  • Bachelor in Inland Norway University of Applied Science

Areas of Expertise

  • Research
  • Writing
  • Leadership

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