
Farjana Khaleque Arusha is an exceptional creative content writer with a passion for crafting captivating narratives. With her sharp writing skills and meticulous attention to detail, Arusha consistently delivers content that leaves a lasting impact. Her knack for storytelling and ability to simplify complex topics makes her a valuable asset for any project.

Arusha has the unique ability to transform any topic into an engaging narrative that resonates with readers. Her thorough research ensures that her work is accurate and informative, providing valuable insights to the audience.

Nurture your creative flame, and the words will flow like an artist’s brush! painting stories that inspire hearts.

Not limited by boundaries, Arusha effortlessly crafts compelling content for various platforms such as blogs, websites, and social media, driving traffic and increasing conversions. With her creativity and dedication, she brings a brand’s vision to life and makes a significant impact in the world of content creation.

Education & Training

  • BSC in CSE, North South University

Areas of Expertise

  • Content writing
  • Research
  • Web Design

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