
With over 4 years in digital marketing, you’re a results-oriented professional specializing in paid ads, analytics, and customer acquisition. Your tech proficiency extends to GA4 setup, server-side tracking, and Facebook Conversion API implementation.

E-commerce, especially on platforms like Shopify, is your forte, enhanced by tools like Seals-Funnels for effective Facebook Ads. Social Media KPIs, including Reach, Engagement, ROI, Retention, and Loyalty, guide your strategies.

In the symphony of digital marketing, I orchestrate success through precision and passion. Crafting campaigns is a dance of strategy—Plan, Do, Check, Act—where goals become achievements, and ROI soars.

A systematic approach, encompassing A/B testing, landing page optimization, and detailed reporting, ensures a strategic cycle of Plan-Do-Check-Act. The outcome is a remarkable boost in ROAS and sales growth for businesses under your marketing expertise.

Education & Training

  • BBA in Business Analysis, Nexford University, NE Washington, DC 20002, United States.

Areas of Expertise

  • Paid Advertising
  • Technical Part Setup of Marketing
  • Data Analytics
  • Customer Acquisition

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