
Sanjid Hasan, as an Executive, plays a pivotal role in steering the ship of our operations. As a Customer Support Service & Researcher, I have had the privilege of serving as the bridge between customers and technical solutions, creating seamless and satisfying experiences.

His responsibilities encompass strategic decision-making, overseeing day-to-day affairs, and ensuring organizational goals are met. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for efficient management, Sanjid spearheads initiatives to enhance productivity and foster a thriving work environment. With a strong foundation in technical knowledge, problem-solving, and excellent communication skills, I have been instrumental in resolving customer issues, providing guidance, and ensuring product satisfaction. My role involves not only troubleshooting and resolving technical challenges but also actively listening to customers, empathizing with their concerns, and offering clear and concise explanations.

In the realm of business, success is not just a destination but a journey of continuous improvement and collaborative growth.

This dynamic and rewarding experience has allowed me to cultivate strong customer relationships, contribute to product improvements, and consistently deliver top-notch support in the ever-evolving tech landscape

Education & Training

  • BSc in ETE, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh.

Areas of Expertise

  • Customer Support
  • Tech support
  • SQL
  • PHP

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