
Walid Rahman Swapni is the innovative Creative Lead behind visually stunning creations that push the boundaries of aesthetics. With a wealth of experience in visual design, art direction, and prototyping, Walid’s expertise shines through in every project he undertakes. 

With a passion for exploring and experimenting with both digital and analog technologies, Walid’s work reflects a truly unique and extraordinary design experience.  As the Assistant Manager, he leads a team of exceptional graphic designers and video editors, ensuring that projects are executed flawlessly, on time, and to the highest quality standards. 

My design process: 10% talent, 90% caffeine

Whether transforming art direction, crafting product designs, or bringing motion graphics to life, Walid’s mastery across various disciplines guarantees a compelling and innovative solution for any business. With Walid as your partner, prepare to elevate your online presence and captivate your audience like never before.

Education & Training

  • BBA, Brac University
  • 3D/VFX Diploma, Daffodil International Professional Training Institute

Areas of Expertise

  • Visual Design
  • Art Direction
  • Prototyping

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